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Definitions submitted by Bontae

1. Banton

English Translation

Story teller


Jamaican patois slang used to refer to a story teller

Example Sentences

Patois: Mi pupa did a banton when him did live
English: My father was a story teller when he was alive

posted on May 10, 2014

2. Nah sell out

English Translation

Not selling out


Slang expression for saying that no matter what happens, you'll always be loyal to your friends

Example Sentences

Patois: Mi nah sell out
English: I will always be loyal to my friends

posted on March 5, 2014

3. Black Up

English Translation

Smoke Weed


Slang term used to state that one is smoking weed/marijuana.

Example Sentences

Patois: Mi ago black up todeh
English: I am going to smoke weed today

posted on February 21, 2014

4. Nuh duh dat

English Translation

Don't do that


This is a Jamaican slang which means "Don't do that"

Example Sentences

Patois: Yuh is a likkle bwoy, nuh duh dat
English: You are a little boy, don't do that

posted on February 1, 2014

5. Likky-Likky

English Translation




Example Sentences

Patois: Yuh too licky-licky
English: You are too greedy

posted on January 28, 2014