A fruit that is a national symbol of Jamaica and is used in the dish Ackee and Saltfi...
English Translation Avocado
English Translation Pomegranate
English Translation Tamarind
English Translation Ambarella
A fruit which comes from a nucifera tree and is brown. Has milk inside of it.
A large, round fruit that’s eaten cooked, often roasted or fried.
Refers to a tropical fruit with a sweet and juicy orange flesh.
A sweet and tangy tropical fruit with a spiky exterior.
Refers to a cylindrical, green vegetable with a crisp texture, often used in salads.
The Otaheite apple is a fruit with a pear-like shape, red skin, and white flesh. Gene...
A small, green tropical fruit with a sweet and tangy pulp.
A brown, round fruit with a grainy texture and sweet taste.