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Definitions of "Gi"

1. Gi (Verb)

English Translation


Example Sentences

Patois: Shi gi mi waah prisent fi mi birthday.
English: She gave me a present for my birthday.

posted by anonymous on March 4, 2023

2. Gi (Verb)

English Translation


Example Sentences

Patois: Im gi ar ah prezent.
English: He gave her a present.

posted by anonymous on March 1, 2023

3. Gi (Verb)

English Translation


Example Sentences

Patois: It luk like him gi up
English: It looks like he’s given up

posted by anonymous on July 6, 2020

4. Gi (Verb)

English Translation


Example Sentences

Patois: Gi him di money dat yuh owe
English: Give him the money that you owe

posted by anonymous on September 24, 2013

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