Slang term for a male who is skilled at seducing women, normally by tricking them into thinking they are the love his life, when in reality, only sexual favours are desired from these women. He manages relationships with multiple women, normally with each woman being oblivious that there are other women in his life. The literal translation for gallis is “girl-list”
Patois: Mi have 4 side gyal; yuh nuh si seh mi a gyalis
English: I have 4 side chicks; don’t you see that I’m a player
Bow , Buddy , Bun , c**k it up ,
Ever texted a Jamaican friend and felt puzzled by the words and shortcuts they use? Jamaican texting slang is a mix of Patois with clever, punchy phrases that are as vibrant as the culture itself.
Read more »Womanizer, Ladies' Man
A term used to describe a man who is popular among women and has a way with them, often used to denote someone who is charming and successful in romantic pursuits
Patois: Him a real gyalis, always surrounded by beautiful women
English: He's a real womanizer, always surrounded by beautiful women
Hot Steppa , Infahmah , Shot a buss , Gyalis ,
Player, Womanizer
A term used to describe a man who is known for his charm and ability to attract and pursue multiple romantic partners
Patois: Him a real gallis, always have a different gyal by his side
English: He's a true gallis, always with a different girl by his side
Hot Steppa , Infahmah , Shot a buss , Gyalis ,
play boy
A play boy who has many women
Patois: Him man ah gallis him cah stop chatt bout galz
English: He's a player, he cannot stop talking about girls
All fruits ripe , Babylon , Bad like yaz , Bashy ,
Patois: Man a real gyalis
English: I'm a real player
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