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Definitions of "Stush" (Slang)

Spelling Variations : stoosh,

1. Stush (Adjective)

English Translation

Arrogant, Snobbish


A term used to describe someone who is conceited, pretentious, or acts superior to others, often associated with a sense of entitlement or airs of grandeur

Example Sentences

Patois: She always deh act stush, as if she betta than everyone else
English: She's always acting arrogant, as if she's better than everyone else

Related Words

Hot Steppa , Infahmah , Shot a buss , Gyalis ,

posted by anonymous on September 7, 2023

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30 Popular Jamaican Texting Slangs You Need to Know

Ever texted a Jamaican friend and felt puzzled by the words and shortcuts they use? Jamaican texting slang is a mix of Patois with clever, punchy phrases that are as vibrant as the culture itself.

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Other Definitions of "Stush"

2. Stush (Adjective)

English Translation



A term used to describe someone who is arrogant, snobbish, or pretentious, often referring to a person's demeanor or behavior

Example Sentences

Patois: She always act so stush, like she too good fi everybody
English: She always acts stuck-up, as if she's too good for everyone

posted by anonymous on August 17, 2023

. Stush Pictures

3. Stush

English Translation

Stuck up


Slang term for someone that acts superior, stuck up, conceited etc…

Example Sentences

Patois: Why dat likkle gyal ah act so stoosh?
English: Why is that little girl acting so stuck up?

Related Words

All fruits ripe , Babylon , Bad like yaz , Bashy ,

posted by anonymous on September 25, 2013

. Stush Pictures

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